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3. Lauder, G.V., Zhang, Y., Pan, Y., and Ko, H. (under review) Biomechanics and energetics of fish schooling behavior. Chapter 9. Fish Physiology

2. Zhang, Y. (2024) Cardiorespiratory and Circulatory Responses of Digestion | Energy Homeostasis, Volume 2. Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (2nd Edition).

1. Zhang, Y. (2024) Cost of digestion and assimilation | Energy Homeostasis, Volume 2. Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (2nd Edition).


29. Zhang, Y., Lauder, G.V. (2025) Physics and physiology of collective animal movement. Newton Cell Press (NEWTON-S-24-00106)

28. Zhang, Y., Anttila, K.A., Hickey, A.J. (2024) Exploring the developmental plasticity and transgenerational effects on the thermal biology of aquatic ectotherms.Frontiers in Physiology.

27. Ko, H.; Girma, A., Zhang, Y., Pan, Y., Lauder, G., Nagpal, R. Beyond planar: fish schools adopt ladder formations in 3D. Submitted to Nature Communication (NCOMMS-24-63838)

26. Zhang, Y., Ko, H., Calicchia, M., Ni, R., Lauder, G. (2024) Collective movement of schooling fish reduces the costs of locomotion in turbulent conditions. PLOS Biology 22 (6). e3002501

25. Rees, B., Reemeyer, J., Binning, S.A., Brieske, S., Clark, T., De Bonville, J., Eisenberg, R.M., Raby, G., Roche, D., Rummer, J.L., Zhang, Y. (2024) Estimating maximum oxygen uptake of fish during swimming and following exhaustive chase – different results, biological bases, and applications. Journal of Experimental Biology 227 (11). jeb246439.  

24. Montgomery, D. W., Gam, L. T. H., Zhang, Y., Laronde, D., Mackinnon, R., Brauner. C.J., Richards, J. G. (2024) Exposure to a winter photoperiod to produce large Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar) increases energetic costs and reduces hypoxia tolerance during seawater transfer. Aquaculture, 740746

23. Zhang, Y., Lauder, G. (2024) Energy Conservation by group dynamics in schooling fish. eLife, 12, RP90352

22Zhang, Y., Lauder, G. (2023). Energetics of collective movement in vertebrates. Journal of Experimental Biology 226 (20): jeb245617.

21. Polinski, M.†, Zhang, Y.†, Morrison, P., Brauner, C., Farrell, A., & Garver, K. (2023) Response to “Assessing the role of Piscine orthoreovirus in disease and the associated risk for wild Pacific salmon” BMC Biology, 21, 115. (†Co-first author) 

20. Strowbridge, N., †, Gilbert, M.J.H., †, Zhang, Y., †, McKenzie, J.L., Lima, L., Farrell, A.P., Fangue, N.A., & Schulte, P.M.Schulte (Submitted ) Climate warming will test the limits of thermal plasticity in a globally distributed fish. († shared first author)

19. Zhang, Y., Mauduit, F., Pettinau, L., Ollivier, H., Laucien, F., Anttila, K., Farrell, A. P., Claireaux, G. (2023) Respiratory plasticity during acclimation to hypoxia and following a recovery in normoxia. (Special Issue) Canadian Journal of Zoology 101,794-806

18. Zhang, Y., Farrell, A.P. (2022) Testing the hypoxia tolerance and hypoxic performance of fishes: a two-tier screening approach Special Issue in Frontier in Marine Science, 1544. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2022.939239

17. Zhang, Y., Montgomery, D., White, C., Richards, J. G., Brauner, C.J., Farrell, A.P. (2022) Characterizing the hypoxic performance of a fish using a new metric: PAAS-50. Journal of Experimental Biology 225, jeb244239. doi:10.1242/jeb.244239

16. Pettinau, L., Lancien, F., Zhang, Y., Mauduit, F., Ollivier, H., Farrell, A. P., Claireaux, G., Anttila, K. (2022) Warm, but not hypoxic acclimation, prolongs ventricular diastole and decreases the protein level of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger to enhance cardiac thermal tolerance in European sea bass. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 272, 111266

15. Adams, O., Zhang, Y.*, Gilbert, M. J. H., Lawrence, C., Snow, M., Farrell, A. P. (2022) An unusually high thermal acclimation potential for rainbow trout. Conservation Physiology. 10. *Corresponding author

14. Polinski, M.†, Zhang, Y.†, Morrison, P., Brauner, C., Farrell, A., & Garver, K. (2021) Innate antiviral defense demonstrates high energetic efficiency in a bony fish. BMC Biology, 19, 138 (†Co-first author)

13. Zhang, Y., So, B. E., Farrell, A. P. (2021). Hypoxia Performance Curve: Assess a whole-organism metabolic shift from a maximum aerobic capacity towards a glycolytic capacity in fish. Special Issue of Metabolic Strategies in Hypoxia. Metabolites, 11(7), 447;

12. Prinzing, T., Zhang, Y., Wegner, N., Dulvy, N (2021). Analytical methods matter too: Establishing a framework for estimating the maximum metabolic rate for fishes. Ecology and Evolution.

11. Chabot, D., Zhang, Y., Farrell, A.P. (2021) Valid oxygen uptake measurements: using high r2 values with good intentions can bias upward the determination of standard metabolic rate. Journal of Fish Biology

10. McKenzie, D. J., Zhang, Y., Eliason, E.J., Schulte, P.M., Nati, J.J.H., Blasco, F.R., Claireaux, G., & Farrell, A.P., (2021) Intraspecific variation in tolerance of warming in fishes. Journal of Fish Biology.

9. Zhang, Y., Gilbert, M. J. H., Farrell, A. P. (2020) Measuring maximum oxygen uptake with an incremental swimming test and by chasing rainbow trout to exhaustion inside a respirometry chamber yield the same results. Journal of Fish Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14311

8. Safi, H., Zhang, Y., Schulte, P. M., Farrell, A. P. (2019). The effect of acute warming and thermal acclimation on maximum heart rate of the common killifish. Journal of Fish Biology. IDOI: 10.1111/jfb.14159

7. Zhang, Y., Gilbert, M. J. H., Farrell, A. P. (2019). Finding the peak of dynamic oxygen uptake during fatiguing exercise in fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.196568

6. Zhang, Y.†, Polinski, M.†, Morrison, P., Brauner, C., Farrell, A., & Garver, K. (2019). High-load reovirus infections do not imply physiological impairment in salmon. Frontiers in Physiology, 10, 114. (†Co-first author)

5. Zhang, Y., Claireaux G., Takle, H., Jørgensen, S. M., Farrell, A. P. (2018) Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): a metabolic recovery in three-phases. Journal of Fish Biology.doi:10.1111/jfb.13593

4Zhang, Y., Healy, T., Vandersteen, W., Schulte, P. M., Farrell, A. P. (2018) A rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) strain with higher aerobic scope also has superior tolerance of acute warming and hypoxia. Journal of fish Biology.doi:10.1111/jfb.13530

3. Zhang, Y., Mauduit, F., Farrell, A. P., Chabot, D., Ollivier, H., Rio-Cabello, A., Le Floch, S., Claireaux G. (2017) Exposure of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) to chemically dispersed oil has a chronic residual effect on hypoxia tolerance but not aerobic scope. Aquatic Toxicology191, 95-104.

2. Zhang, Y., Gilbert, M. J. H. (2017) Comment on ‘Measurement and relevance of maximum metabolic rate in fishes by Norin & Clark (2016)’. Journal of Fish Biology 91, 397-402.

1. Zhang, Y., Timmerhaus, G., Anttila, K., Mauduit, F., Jørgensen, S. M., Kristensen, T., Claireaux, G., Takle, H., Farrell, A.P., (2016). Domestication compromises athleticism and respiratory plasticity in response to aerobic exercise training in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture 463, 79-88.


4. Zhang, Y., (2019) Small zooplankton rings the alarm for oxygen loss in big oceans. Journal of Experimental Biology 222, jeb199141

3. Zhang, Y.,(2018) Redband trout thrive in a hot desert stream. Journal of Experimental Biology 221, jeb178590.

2. Zhang, Y., (2018) How many old-growth fish are out there? Journal of Experimental Biology 221, jeb172148.

1. Zhang, Y., (2017) How a global invader gains the upper edge. Journal of Experimental Biology 220,3003-3006.

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